They’re Using My Trademark On Their Out-Of-State Website, Can I Sue Them In My State?

Trying to figure out whether a suit can be brought in one’s home state can be a key factor in whether a company has the resources or the will to bring a case at all.  Obtaining jurisdiction in one’s home state can also often be a substantial factor influencing the outcome of the case and, […]

Real Estate Development Dispute Over Copyright in Engineering Plans – State Court or Federal Court?

Who settles copyright disputes in ownership of real estate development engineering plans: State Court or Federal Court?  A recent New Jersey District Court case recently answered this question. In Pennoni Associates, Inc. v. Medford Village East Associates, LLC (D.N.J. Dec. 20, 2011) the court was presented with this very issue. Copyright ownership in engineering plans […]

Wikipedia to Blackout English Language Version Tomorrow

Yesterday, Wikipedia announced that it would blackout the English language version of its famous website for 24 hours in protest to pending anti-piracy legislation in both houses of Congress.  The legislation is comprised of two pending bills.  The House version is entitled the Stop Online Piracy Act while the Senate version is entitled the Protect […]

New Years Solicitations – Creative Marketing or Deceptive Advertising?

With the start of the new year, it’s time for trademark owners again to be on guard against solicitations and advertisements that may appear to be “official” or look like invoices.  It is prudent to warn your bookkeeping departments to be alert to these types of solicitations and not mistake them for invoices.  Please post […]

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